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The Artist
The artist Mark Quigley, is a recently retired Conservation Officer and began photographing the remains of creatures for on going criminal wildlife cases. This was originally done while collecting forensic evidence. This led to an interest in a relatively new science, conservation paleontology. 

  "With my side job, as a professional photographer, I had to travel the US for my clients, and during off times searched out deceased wildlife. I became very good at locating them.  And photographing them for me was natural. I knew wildlife behavior from my  Department job, schooling and training and for almost 30 years added to this unique collection".

Previously these unique pieces of art were only available to private decorators. Only recently, we have chosen to release a limited number of gallery prints.

Photography History
Mark became seriously interested in photography as a teenager and operates several photography companies today.  Initially Mark used his photography skills on the job as a Conservation Officer photographing wildlife and collecting forensic evidence for on going cases. This naturally led to the unique hobby of locating, photographing animal remains and selling his one of a kind prints to collectors as fine art.

Later he was selected to adopt a military war dog (Belgium Malinois) that was injured in Afghanistan but had extensive bomb location training. Mark used this specialized training provided by the Navy and rather than looking for explosives, retrained his dog Caesar to locate wildlife bones.  Today Caesar is excellent at locating animal bones as small as birds, to large elk. 
He continues to search for deceased wildlife and create new images each year which he sells in limited markets. Mark is also a well known product, portrait, action/adventure and natural resource photographer. His work appears in major magazines, catalogs and ads around the nation and in other countries.  His photography schedule regularly includes travel around the nation and during his off time, he can be found hiking and backpacking new areas searching for deceased wildlife.

Feral Swine
"It's a strange passion to most I know, but I enjoy trying to locate a certain animal I may be after, determine cause of death, time of death, age and other features. It's like solving a case for me and then creating an unusual unique piece of collectible art from the find. And the buyers and collectors of my pieces, appreciate my unusual efforts also".

© Copyright 2014 Skull Valley Photography
Images may not be reproduced.

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